With Flock’s pre-installed Polls app, you can create polls in a jiffy, receive votes from all your teammates no matter where they are, and make important decisions much faster.
You can create polls in 1-1 chats and channels, and even forward a poll to another chat/channel to gather more feedback
To create a poll:
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Desktop |
- Launch the Poll app from the Attachment Picker.
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- In the dialog box, type the question and some options for the answer. You can also add a comment to your question, to clarify or describe the question in further detail.
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- The Poll app supports image-based options as well. Just click the image icon to upload one.
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- You can add more options to a poll.
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- You can also allow voters to choose more than one option.
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- You can specify which chats/channels the poll should be posted in, and set a duration for the poll - from hours to days. By default, the Poll app will list the active chat/channel.
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- Optional: You can choose to let teammates vote anonymously too.
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- Once you've filled in all the details, click Create Poll.
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- The poll is now posted in the chats/channels and will be active for the specified duration.
To create a poll using a slash command:
If you're creating a text-only poll, you can create one quickly through slash commands.
- Open the chat/channel where you want to conduct the poll.
- In the Message Editor area, type /poll followed by a single space.
- Type your question, enter options for the answer, each one in double-quotes, and hit Enter.
- If you'd like to allow anonymous voting, type anonymous after the options, and hit Enter.
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- For example, if you type /poll Who is the greatest male tennis player of all time? o: Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Rod Laver, Bjorn Borg and hit Enter, Flock will create the following poll:
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To share a poll:
- Click Forward to share the poll in another chat/channel. Votes in all channels are synced and automatically updated.
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To view or download poll results:
As your teammates vote, the Poll app will automatically update and show a preview of results in the chat/channel the poll was posted in.
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- Click View to see the results of the poll in a popup window.
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- Click Download for a CSV file with the poll results.
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Android |
- Launch the Poll app from the Attachment Picker at the bottom left.
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- In the dialog box, type the question and some options for the answer. You can also add a comment to your question, to clarify or describe the question in further detail.
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- The Poll app supports image-based options as well. Just click the image icon to upload one.
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- You can add more options to a poll.
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- You can also allow voters to choose more than one option.
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- You can specify which chats/channels the poll should be posted in, and set a duration for the poll - from hours to days. By default, the Poll app will list the active chat/channel.
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- Optional: You can choose to let teammates vote anonymously too.
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- Once you've filled in all the details, click Create Poll.
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- The poll is now posted in the chats/channels and will be active for the specified duration.
To create a poll using a slash command:
If you're creating a text-only poll, you can create one quickly through slash commands.
- Open the chat/channel where you want to conduct the poll.
- In the Message Editor area, type /poll followed by a single space.
- Type your question, enter options for the answer, each one in double-quotes, and tap Send button.
- If you'd like to allow anonymous voting, type anonymous after the options, and tap the Send button.
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- For example, if you type /poll Who is the greatest male tennis player of all time? o: Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Rod Laver, Bjorn Borg and hit Enter, Flock will create the following poll:
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To share a poll:
- Click Three dots icon and then from the options click on Forward to share the poll in another chat/channel. Votes in all channels are synced and automatically updated.
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To view or download poll results:
Click View to see the results of the poll in a popup window.
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- Click Download for a CSV file with the poll results.
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