Flock comes pre-installed with a note-taking app as well. Called Notes, it can be used as a scratchpad to jot down ideas, save important drafts, and share them with your team.
To create Notes:
- Click on Notes in the Attachment Picker.
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- Alternately, you can access the Notes app from Flock's apps sidebar, and click on Create a new note.
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- In the pop-up window, enter a title for the note and start jotting down ideas. You can edit text formatting, add bullet points and more.
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- Click on Save Note to share with colleagues in a 1-1 chat or in a channel.
To share Notes:
- By default, notes are shared in the active 1-1 chat or channel.
- You can forward existing notes to other conversations in your team.
- Click on the Forward button under a note.
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- Select the 1-1 chat or channel you want to share it in, and click on Forward.
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- Any changes in one of the shared copies of a note will sync with the original automatically.
To delete Notes:
- Launch the Notes app from Flock's apps sidebar.
- Click on the Delete option below the Note.
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- Alternately, click on a note to open it in a pop-up window, and click on Delete(trash can) icon.
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- Confirm the action and the note will be deleted.
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