Flock supports SAML-based single sign-on (SSO) so team members can sign in through an identity provider such as Microsoft Azure.
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Only team admins can enable single sign-on (SSO). |
To get started, you’ll need to set up a connection for Flock SSO with the identity provider (IDP) and then configure Flock.
Configure your identity provider
- To configure SSO with an identity provider, please refer to their documentation. Here is a link to Microsoft Azure’s documentation for SSO configuration with Flock.
- At the end of the process:
- Make a note of the SAML Single Sign-On Service URL and the SAML Entity ID.
- Download the SAML Signing Certificate.
Configure SSO in Flock
- Go to Flock’s Admin Panel (https://admin.flock.com).
- Click on Authentication Settings.
- Select SAML Authentication.
- In the textbox for SAML 2.0 HTTP Endpoint, paste the SAML Single Sign-On Service URL.
- In the textbox for Identity Provider Issuer, paste the SAML Entity ID.
- Open the SAML Signing Certificate you downloaded earlier, copy all the text in it, and paste in the textbox for Public Certificate.
- Optional: Select Make SAML sign-in mandatory for everyone to make SSO the only login option. If this option is not selected, team members will be able to sign-in to Flock using their work email and Flock password (or OTP verification) as well.
- Save the configuration.
Access Flock with SSO
Once you’ve configured SSO for your Flock team, team members can sign into Flock with their credentials from your identity provider (IDP). Team members already signed into Flock will not be logged out. They can, however, sign out and sign back in with their IDP credentials.
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Single Sign-On is an enterprise-only feature that is enabled for teams on request. Please contact our support team (support@flock.com) for more info. |